Meat stuffed peppers / ČUFTE I PAPRIKE
Ingredients / Sastojaki
- Small or big peppers / Male ili velike paprike
- Ground beef / Junetina miješano meso
- Rice / Riža
- Egg / Jaje
- Sunflower oil / Suncokret ulje
- Half an onion / Pola luk
- Garlic leaf / Česnjak list
- Salt / Soli
- Vegeta / Vegeta
- Bouillon cube / Kocka goveđa
- Tomato paste / Koncentrat rajčica
- Flour / Brašna
- Water / Voda
Instructions / Uputstvo (dalje dole)
1. Boil a pot of water.
2. Add a little oil to a pan (just enough to cover the bottom).
3. Peel and cut half an onion and add to the pan.
4. Peel and cut one garlic leaf and add to the pan.
5. Add a spoon of salt to the pan.
6. Add half a cup of rice to the pan and mix.
7. Add one cup of water from the pot to the pan.
8. Cover the pan.
9. Clean the peppers (cut a circle around the stem and pull out the top, then wash with water).
10. Once the rice is done (about 5-10 minutes) put the pan on top of cold water to cool.
11. Add the meat to the pan and mix.
12. Add one egg and mix (you can use your hands).
13a. If you have large peppers, use a small spoon to add the meat inside them.
13b. If you have small peppers, use your hands to add the meat inside them
14. Add the bouillon and paste to the pot and mix.
15. Add a spoon of salt and Vegeta to the pot and mix.
16. Add the meat stuffed peppers to the pot.
17. After about 30 minutes add two spoons of flour to a bowl.
18. Add cold water to the bowl and mix.
19. Pour half of the juice from the pot to the bowl and mix.
20. Add the juice to the pot.
21. Taste for flavor.
22. Cook for five more minutes and enjoy (but if you don't want to burn your mouth, let it cool first).
1. Prokuhaj vodu u loncu.
2. Dodaj malo ulja u šerpu.
3. Očisti i reži pola luka i dodaj u šerpu.
4. Očisti jedan česnjak i dodaj u šerpu.
5. Dodaj malo soli u šerpu.
6. Dodaj pola šalice riže u šerpu i miješaj.
7. Dodaj jednu šalicu vode iz lonca u šerpu.
8. Pokri šerpu.
9. Očisti paprike.
10. Kad je riža gotova (oko 5-10 minute) stavi šerpu na hladne vode.
11. Dodaj meso u šerpu i miješaj.
12. Dodaj jedno jaje i miješaj.
13a. Ako imaš velike paprike, koristi malu žlicu i napuni paprike.
13b. Ako imaš male paprike, koristi tvoje ruke i napuni paprike.
14. Dodaj žlicu soli i Vegeta i miješaj.
15. Dodaj kocka i koncentrat u šerpu.
16. Dodaj čufte i paprike u lonac.
17. Poslije oko 30 minuta dodaj dvije žlice brašna u zdjelu.
18. Dodaj malo vode hladne i promiješaj.
19. Sipaj pola soka iz lonca u zdjelu i miješaj.
20. Dodaj sok natrag u paprike u lonac.
21. Probaj ukus.
22. Kuhaj još 5 minute i dobar tek (ali ako ne želiš opećo se možeš malo ohladiti).