Vanessa Raney - Croatian Learning Tools

This blog will be updated as I complete projects. I will additionally include some, but not all news, as it relates to my bilingual publications. Also, for shorter periods I will include any new updates to my publishing history that is interesting (such as when I had my first chapter published); but these will be removed after a week or two. I'm just trying something new to see what happens. :)

My Photo
Location: Croatia

I've been to Monterrey, Puebla, MEXICO; Manchester, ENGLAND; Ottawa, ONTARIO; Vancouver, North Vancouver, Nanaimo, Whistler, Victoria, Chilliwack, BRITISH COLUMBIA; Istanbul, TURKEY; Sofia, Rila Monastery, Bunovo, Bansko, Sandanski, Rupite, Melnik, Gotse Delchev, Velingrad, Dorkovo, Vidin, Kula, Dimovo, Belogradchic, Rabisha, Chiprovsti, Montana, Kyustendil, Petrich, Belgoevgrad, Plovdiv, Hisar, Starosel, Karlovo, Sopot, Asenovgrad, Kazanluk, Veliko Turnovo, Ruse, BULGARIA; Bucureşti, Suceava, and Braşov, ROMANIA; Budapest, Zánka, Tapolca, Badascony, Badasconytomaj, Balatonfüred, Sümeg, Balatonboglár, Balatonlelle, Kesthely, Hévíz, Alsópáhok, Zalaszántó, Fonyód, Somogyvamos, Somogyvár, HUNGARY; Sarajevo, Mostar, Blagaj, Žitomislići, Počitelj, Međugorje, Radimlja, Stolac, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA; Venice, ITALY. :)

Monday, January 23, 2017

Drugačije analiziranje prve rečenice knjige *Zločini i kazna* Dostojevskija

Ako učiš hrvatski i si na stupanju B1-C2 možda ovo video će ti malo pomoć ako želiš više vježbati.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Iskustvo te nauči nekoliko stvari...

Prvo ću probati u hrvatski objasniti situaciju: Imala sam probleme prošlog semestra (zimski 2015.) sa koordinatoricom Croaticuma. Ona mi je nikada voljela, ali sam već plaćala za semestar program prije je odlučila da ne bih nastavljala, zato što je bila moja profesorica za stupanje B1.

16. veljače 2016. poslala sam dekana po e-mail službenu žalbu protiv koordinatorice (vidi dole). Nisam vidjela odluku da ne mogu nastaviti na Croaticumu do ovog mjeseca, ali ima datum 17. veljače 2016. Da, dan poslije. Nisam registrirala za ljetni semestar 2016., ali sam nju pitala ovaj mjesec o mojem statusu, ako bih mogla imati individualne nastave počne sljedeći mjesec, pa ona mi je poslala odluku (vidi dole). Nije sve informacije istino npr. nisam bila loša s imovinom, ipak i nisam prijetila nekome, zapravo ona mi je po SMS - "Slusaj glupaco ... jer mi malo fali da poludim a kad poludim potrazicu te naci te" (16.03.2016. 23:35:59) - pa ona je ovaj tjedan bila čekala za mene na jednoj stanici.

Uglavnom, 15. veljače 2016. poslala sam dekana po e-mail pitanje ako bi dobio moju žalbu na engleskome (datum 17. veljače 2016.). Koordinatorica Croaticum je 18. veljače 2016. poslala dekanu žalbu protiv mene, pa je on odlučio 22. veljače 2016. da se ne smijem biti na kampusu filozofskog fakulteta.

Jučer sam telefonirala glavnu tajnicu, ali nije me odgovorila zašto postoji ova odluka. Po meni je ekstremna akcija kad nisam ja NIKADA prijetila nekome ni bila problem s imenovom na kampusu, pa zašto je koordinatorica pomislila da treba "hitno zaštitom zaposlenika i studenata Croaticuma"?

Pa ne znam. Gore to, ne znam ako imam prava riješiti situaciju.

in English
So last semester (winter 2015) I had problems with the Croaticum coordinator. She never liked me; but since I had already paid for the semester program before she decided I shouldn't continue in the program, she became my teacher for the B1 level of Croatian.

On 16 Feb. 2016 I e-mailed the dean of Students a formal complaint against the coordinator (see  below). I didn't see the decision about me not continuing in Croaticum until this month, but the date of the letter was 17 Feb. 2016. So yes, one day later from when I submitted my complaint. I didn't register for the summer 2016 semester, but I had asked this month about my status, if I could take individual lessons starting next month; so that's when she e-mailed me the decision letter (see below). Not all of the information was true, for example, I never harmed any property, while I also never threatened to harm anyone; but she had, in fact, threatened me by SMS: "Listen stupid ... because I'm going to lose control and go crazy and then I'll look for you I'll find you" (16 Mar. 2016, 23:35:59) - well, she had this week been waiting for me at one stop.

Anyway, on 15 Mar. 2016 I e-mailed the dean of students asking if he had received my formal complaint in English (dated 17 Feb. 2016). The Croaticum coordinator then, on 18 Feb. 2016, sent the dean a complaint against me, and so the dean decided on 22 Feb. 2016 to expel me from the campus of the philosophy school.

I called the main secretary (I don't know her official title in English) yesterday, but she didn't answer why the decision was made. For me it's an extreme action when I've NEVER threatened anyone or been a problem with on-campus property; so why did the coordinator think that "emergency protection against Croaticum students and staff" was needed?

So I can't answer that. Worse, I don't know if I have any rights in addressing this situation.

Službena odluka da se ni smijem biti na kampusu filozofskog fakulteta

Službena odluka da se ne smijem studirati na Croaticum filozofskog fakulteta

Prvi e-mail kad sam poslala službenu žalbu protiv Ivančice Banković-Mandić

Drugi e-mail kad sam pitala za konfirmaciju o mojoj žalbi
Treći (i nedavniji) e-mail kad sam pitala o odluci da se ne smijem biti na kampusu

Str. 1 od 5 od moje žalbe na engleskome
Str. 2 od 5 od moje žalbe na engleskome
Str. 3 od 5 od moje žalbe na engleskome

Str. 4 od 5 od moje žalbe na engleskome

Str. 5 od 5 od moje žalbe na engleskome

Friday, March 18, 2016

Moj bilingvalni chapbook na hrvastkome i engleskome je stigao! / My bilingual chapbook in Croatian and English has arrived!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Moj bilingvalni tekst "Ideja žene" je konačno publikovao (dancing girl press)! :):)

Da, jako sam sretna! Ovaj je link:

Naslov: The Idea of woman (Ideja žene)
po: Vanessu Raney
izdavač: dancing girl press & studio (u Chicagou)
jezici: hrvatski i engleski
godina: 2015.

So my first bilingual chapbook, The idea of woman, is finally out. Published by small Chicago independent dancing girl press & studio, you can find the link for ordering above.

Title: The idea of woman
by: Vanessa Raney
publisher: dancing girl press & studio

languages: Croatian and English

year: 2015

Sample spread, stanzas 5.-6.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Bozička pjesma za Luku i Miljanu

Hvala, B. i M. za pomoć ispravljenje hrvatskog jezika.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Moje prvo intervju na tportalu :)

Samo imamo u životu jedno prvo intervju. Ovo je moje:

I trenutak - nisam ja Vanessa Smiles. Zovem se Vanessa Raney. lol :)

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Moja prezentacija o Noć vještica za nastavu, 30.10.15. - Vježba 2

Da, to sam ja. Još sam jako sretna s kostimom jer to je što sam ja napravila - i prvi put sam ušivala.. :)